Our customers find our post inspection report gives them quality information to support their knowledge on how they can reduce susceptibility around their building and property, and make informed decisions about termite protection options. Understanding your property’s risk to termite attack is the first step to having a termite management plan or protection system that suits you and your property.
Termite Inspections
Need your property checked for termites?
Or like to know if there’s anything you can do to reduce the risk of termites finding their way into your home?
We offer termite activity and susceptibility inspections and reports. Our fee includes a report to explain all our findings and recommendations.
Your Questions Answered
How much does a termite inspection cost?
The short answer is from $220. The time it will take to do the inspection is roughly 2 hours and will depend on the size of your property, the number of buildings and the type of construction. You can request a quote or contact us for more information.
What makes a property susceptible to termites?
Subterranean termites need moisture, so any issues with drainage, water leaks, water discharged against a building, ventilation or concealed or covered weep holes are some examples of the conditions that can make your building more susceptible to termites. Your construction method may make your property more or less susceptible. Our technicians are fully trained to identify areas or issues on your property that make it more susceptible to termites, and will provide a full explanation during the inspection, which is also detailed in a report.
How often should I get my property inspected?
It’s a property owner’s decision how often you have your property inspected for termites, however with one of our inspections you will learn more about what makes a property susceptible to termite attack which can help you decide. When we do an initial inspection we can let you know of any susceptibility issues and recommend how often you should have the property inspected based on the risk.